

All our bags are packed (almost), we're ready to go...
Actually, Ryan just ran out to buy another piece of luggage.  Ha!  But, truly things are coming together!  It is hard to believe that tomorrow we will step on a plane to China to get our baby girl.  This is a moment we have waited for for YEARS...long before we began the adoption process last March.  

We are SO excited and yet also our hearts are heavy about leaving our boys for 2 weeks.  When we left for Ukraine in November of 2005, you couldn't get us on that plane fast enough...there was nothing and no one that we were leaving behind in the journey to find our sons.  That was before I was a mom...before my heart walked around outside my body.  Every time I think about leaving them tomorrow, it's all I can do not to lose it.  Hudson is struggling with us being gone for so long too.  He is SO excited about getting Hannah Ryan home, but very sad about being away from us for 2 weeks.  I have nicknamed him "my little electron"...it really is like I am his nucleus and he is bound to me by an electromagnetic force.  If we are in the same room, you can bet he is within a 3 feet radius of me.  :)  He is also my "emotional mirror"...If I get upset, he gets upset.  So, this Mama has got to hold it together.  My heart is just hurting because I know the next couple of weeks will be tough for him.

Please continue to pray for Hannah Ryan and her attachment with us when we get her on Monday.  But, today I want to ask you to be praying for our boys...and my heart as we leave them tomorrow.  They are going with us to airport in the morning...LONG before the sun comes up.
  • Pray that Rowen & Hudson will be safe while we are gone and feel secure and loved.
  • Please pray specifically for Hudson these next 2 weeks...that he will feel comforted while we are away. 
  • Pray for me at the airport in the morning...that I can hold it together until after we say our goodbyes.
  • Pray for our safety as we are away.


  1. I am praying for your boys and you in the coming weeks. Your description of Hudson makes me cry! Y'all have come such a long way, Kelly!!
