
LifeSong for Orphans

More exciting news!!!  We found out on Wednesday that we qualified for fundraising through LifeSong for Orphans.  LifeSong is a non-profit Christian ministry dedicated to help meet the needs of orphan children around the world, and obey God’s call to “visit the fatherless…in their affliction” (James 1:27).  They have set up an account in our name to go towards our adoption of Hannah Ryan.  Funds donated to Lifesong for Orphans in our name between now and December 5, 2012 will be given to help cover our adoption expenses. Since LifeSong is a 501(c)3 organization, your gift will be tax deductible.  100% of all funds raised will go directly to cover our adoption costs--nothing will be taken out for Lifesong for Orphans administrative costs.

If you want to contribute to our LifeSong account, make your checks payable to "LifeSong for Orphans" and put this in the subject line: "Akers #3104 adoption."  You can mail your check to LifeSong between now and December 5.

Lifesong for Orphans
PO Box 40
Gridley, IL 61744

Thanks so much for your prayers for our family and for Hannah Ryan!!!  Daily we are amazed at how the Lord is providing for us to bring our baby girl home!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just happened to stumble upon your blog as I love reading through adoption blogs. :) My husband and I have just started the adoption process and are using Lifeline as well. We are pretty sure God is leading us to a little one in China, but are still praying over the country. I got excited when I saw y'all were adopting from China and using Lifeline! We have an adoption blog, but have not made it public yet. We will be praying for you.
